Posts Tagged ‘ synthesizer ’

Gary Wright

He’s got a generic name and only one hit album, but Gary Wright is slightly more interesting than his footnote position in the annals of rock would have you believe.

That one hit album was called The Dream Weaver.  God, isn’t this album cover hideous?

Gary claimed that The Dream Weaver was the first-ever all keyboard/synthesizer album, but Wendy Carlos got there almost a decade earlier — bad form, Gary!

The album’s biggest hit?  “Dream Weaver,” duh!

Wes Craven said that “Dream Weaver” was the inspiration for A Nightmare on Elm Street. I dunno if that makes the song more badass or the movie a little bit lame.

“Love is Alive” was also a number 2 hit.

Your last bit of Gary Wright trivia: played piano on Nilsson’s “Without You”!

Now you can go back to forgetting about him (if you can erase that album cover from your brain, that is).